Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be Polite, But Don’t Talk to Police

I kind of stole this from one of my readers (and fellow bloggers) Alberto but I was so affected by this video I had to pass it along.

Do not, under any circumstances, speak with the police. This is not some ghetto-justice “snitches get stitches” theory. If you or anyone you know was a victim of a crime, not only do I expect you go to the police and tell them everything you know, you’re required to do so as a good citizen.

The “Don’t Talk to The Police” is more to do with protecting you from wrongful prosecution and keeping you out of prison. The reasons to do so are legion, and you would do well to watch this video in its entirety. It is 50 minutes long, but in effect a criminal defense lawyer tells a class of lawyers “never let your client talk to the police.” Then an actual police officer follows him and says “everything he just said is true.” An actual cop!

No True Boss wants to go to prison. So if a cop wants to talk to you in relation to a criminal investigation, politely decline to speak to him. If he says why, just say that you have nothing to say, say you have fifth amendment rights and say that you won’t speak without a lawyer present and that will likely be that.

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  1. Excellent advise we should all fallow.

  2. I've seen this before and it's a great video. The same thing applies in Canada except the police can spend days asking harassing questions even if you ask for a lawyer!?! Apparently we have the right to refuse to talk... yeah right. We don't have to talk if we don't mind getting our faces beaten in.

  3. I wasn't going to watch that because I have stuff to do, but it was so interesting I ended up watching the whole thing.

    Very nice, keep it up.
    (Im sure you can invoke similar rights in the UK right?)

    Unrelated Randomness

  4. here they just beat you til you confess, even if its not you.

  5. I think I'll pass, I've got nothing to hide, so I have no problem talking with the police.

  6. great blog and im following with interest ;)

  7. people who talk to the police, when they did something barely "wrong" (like being drunk or stuff) are the ones that cant shut the fuck up, they always try to convince the police about how drounk they're NOT ahahaha, nice article

  8. Patti, I think if you watch the video you will change your mind.

  9. thanks for the tips, going to watch the video

  10. Patti it's not about having nothing to hide. If you're at the scene of a crime, you can be implicated in it even if you're innocent and just a witness. A cop doesn't know what happens, all he wants is evidence so he'll talk to you until he gets some. You being there = evidence. Then it's the prosecutors job to use that evidence to prosecute whoever they feel is guilty and a defense lawyer's responsibility to defend you.

    If you talk to a police officer without a lawyer, there's a chance they'll get evidence from you that wrongly implicates you in the crime, and they could use that evidence to charge you.

    It's not about being guilty, it's the fact that chances are you have little knowledge of law and can't rightly defend yourself against the onslaught of question a police officer will bomb you with. A defense lawyer knows exactly why a cop is asking you those questions and what they want to do with them, and he can tell you how to answer them without screwing yourself over, if to answer them at all.

    The main thing is don't talk to police, have the lawyer do it for you, it's their job and they're trained to do so; you aren't. And always flex your rights, if you don't use them people will take advantage of you.

  11. True video, I saw it awhile ago. It is pretty much the truth. The best thing to say is "I do not wish to talk to you without a lawyer present." And if they want to search you, "I do not consent to this search," even if they do start searching, don't stop them, just keep saying that you do not consent the search. Follow all physical requests, let them see your ID, stand over there, whatever, do not answer their questions.

  12. Nice comment Alberto. Thanks for alerting me to the bid in the 1st place.
