Sunday, February 13, 2011

Say Yes to the Sex

“Live The Boss Life” – Say Yes to the Sex

There are times in our lives, when a fetching member of the desired sex will show signs, both overt and covert, that they want to “get down,” and they want to get down tonight. You're unencumbered by a significant other, sexually active, but after reading these signs, you may say “no thanks” or “not tonight.” Maybe you're looking to hook up with someone else, or maybe you think the two of you have no chemistry.

What are you, out of your mind?!!

If you really want to “Live The Boss Life” always say, “Yes” to the sex.

If you're waiting for someone else, don't, as “a bird in the hand is always worth two in the bush.” And for all for all you know, that person will be the most fun partner you had or will ever have. That person might teach you things you hadn't known before. Or maybe that person is really, really into you, and you would be making that person's year if you throw them a little bone.

After a few rounds, you may find that you do have chemistry and you'll want to see them again. Or if not, you will definitely have a great memory and an interesting story.

There have been many times in my life when I've said no to sex. I thought that the person was too old, too young, below my standards of attractiveness, or was an ex of a friend or someone I knew. What I should have done was jump on that, literally! I now rue the days when I turned down these people, and probably missed out on a very fun time.

Naturally, there are limits to this rule, such as if the person is known to have STD's, a spouse versed in Ultimate Fighting, is a workplace sexual harasser, or not a member of the desired sex. Or maybe if you are saving yourself for someone more special, or on the opposite end, you don't want to get a reputation as an “easy” person, then it's perfectly reasonable to say no.

But if you're none of those things, and you're offered, make sure you have the right protection and say “Yes” to the Sex. You'll probably be glad you did, and you'll be “Living the Boss Life.”
Follow livethebosslife on Twitter


  1. I'm saying Yes to Sex after reading this post thanks brother!

  2. What guy seriously says NO to sex? LOL

  3. Me, sadly. I'm trying to help others not make the same mistake.

  4. Hmm. I guess I have said no to sex but those times had a really good reason. So yeah. Interesting.

  5. I bet you kicked yourself after, right?

  6. Saying no to sex, is just like saying no to life itself.

  7. I'll do anything that moves

  8. Within reason. No one who can't reasonably/legally consent.

  9. intresting post on a subjective subject ;)

  10. I wish I had this drilled into my head. A couple of months ago this girl asked me, through facebook, if I wanted to fuck.

    I didn't remember her that well, but what I did remember was that she was fucking psycho. Still, I regret saying no, she wasn't ugly and I'm sure she was good in bed.

    Good advice!

  11. I'm telling you, unless you're married or she's underage or has AIDS or something, never say no. Wrap it up and have fun!

  12. Yes to the sex!

    Unfortuneately the girls I know are very timid and aren't always down for the girl on girl.

  13. there's never a time when i say no sex.

  14. Hey, this advice is for girls too. It's a little different because girls have to deal with pregnancy and STD's more than guys do, not to mention keeping a good reputation. But if the guy is willing to be quiet about it, why not go for it?

  15. You...should write a book! Keep up the good posts. ill drop every now and then. return the favor. thx

  16. If a guy says no... he needs a slap.

  17. Thanks for the note, gang. As for the slapping, I would have needed more slaps than I'd like to admit.

  18. saying no to sex is ... you cant do that

  19. Ive said yes at times that when I woke up the next morning I wish i would have said no.

  20. But what about your partner, Joe? I'm guessing she was thrilled. Sometimes it's about self-sacrifice. ;)

  21. I say yes a lot more than I used to. It took a few years for me to read the signs and then have the guys to act on them. I still say no in cases where I think the girl will be a stalker though (which is too bad cause stalkers are usually the best in bed...they really throw themselves into it).

  22. my gf gives me no option of yes or no. its more like now or never.

  23. i wish more girls around me would take your advice

  24. Displayed--you sound like you have a wife, not a girlfriend :)

  25. Great post, alwas ygood when about sex

  26. Good outlook. Best to have the experience than regret not following through anyday.
